Eynesbury Eagles

Football and Netball Club

Apply for Coach \ Committee

Registrations now open and need to be done online.

Click below to register.

Welcome to the Eynesbury Eagles Football and Netball Club.

Under 12 Premiers 2017

Come and join the fun at the brand new Eagles Nest, located at 1 Avoca Street, Eynesbury.

Football teams range from Club 18's, Under 9 through to Under 15.

Netball teams range from Seniors, Under 11 through to Under 15.

It all starts from the grass roots because here at Eynesbury Eagles we ensure the Auskick and Net-Set-Go continually feed into our football and netball teams. It is important as a club that we encourage our children to be apart of an inclusive Club which promotes, a healthy lifestyle through sport at the same time, an amazing community spirit. We are not just about trying to win, but having fun, learning new skills and being part of an awesome club.


Club Song

We're the Eynesbury Eagles and we play as a great team
The mighty Eynesbury Eagles in the gold and white and green
Sound the siren, let us loose and watch the feathers fly
And we will show what we can do

We're the mighty Eynesbury Eagles
The mighty, fighting Eynesbury Eagles
We're the mighty Eynesbury Eagles
And we will show what we can do


Go Eagles!

Child safety Standards